Cluster the following points in two clusters using k-means algoirthn 23 45 12 67 78 88 90 21 22 10 100 Assume 7 and 9 to be initial centroids c1, and c2 All the objects belong to cluster 2, because they are closer to 9 as opposed to 7 Calculate the centroid c1. c1 = 0/0 = 0 (not mathematically right) c2 = sum of all the objects/11 = 556/11 = 50.54 Recalculate the membership c1: 23 12 21 22 10 = 88/5 = 17.6 c2: 45 67 78 88 90 100 = 468/6 = 78 Recalculate the membership c1: 23 12 21 22 10 45 = 133/6 = 22.16 c2: 67 78 88 90 100 = 423/5 = 84.6 Recalculate the membership c1: 23 12 21 22 10 45 = 133/6 = 22.16 c2: 67 78 88 90 100 = 423/5 = 84.6